Master’s Degree Program in Education
2011 academic year
2011 academic year
The objective of the HICD/Education program is to build human capacity through scholarship opportunity in support of the GOI Ministry of Education (MONE), Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and Coordinating Ministry for People`s Welfare (KESRA), to better carry on quality improvements to basic education and higher education sub-sectors.
Program participants will receive a Master`s Degree in Education in areas such as:
- Education Policy and Management
- Human Development and Psychology
- International Education Policy
- Language and Literacy
- Math and Science Education
- Education Leadership
- Teacher Education
- Education Law
- Education Finance
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Education Research Design
- Politics in Education
- Education Assessment and Testing
- Special (Inclusive) Education
- Counseling
Representatives from MONE, MORA, KESRA and their subsidiary offices at the national, provincial, and district level who work in the education sector. This includes faculty and staff of state universities under MONE and MORA, as well as teachers and administrators of primary or secondary education.
All DBE stakeholder institutions working with DBE. This includes regional branches of MONE and MORA, education commissions of houses of representatives, education boards, education NGOs, local media in education, Regional Development Board (Bappeda). This includes senior teachers and administrators of secondary or primary school instruction.
Special Qualifications:
At least 3 years working experience in a related area of study.
Priority will be given to candidates from North Maluku, Sumatera, Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, and South Sulawesi.
Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Physically disabled candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
General Eligibility Requirements
- Candidates must be citizens of Indonesia.
- Candidates may not be employed by USAID, have salary paid by USAID, or be an employee of USAID contractors or grantees.
- Candidates must have at least five pre-retirement years remaining with their organizations after completion of study.
- Candidates must provide evidence of English ability. AED will only accept the following tests as the evidence of English ability:
- Computer Based TOEFL, Internet Based TOEFL or International Paper Based TOEFL by Education Testing Service (ETS) and administered by recognized organizations from ETS (
- ITP TOEFL by ETS and score reported and administered by recognized organizations from ETS (
- IELTS provided by Cambridge ESOL Examinations and administered by British Council, International Development Program (IDP) and Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF)
- Candidate’s Essay. Please follow the guidelines when writing the essay. There will be essay of 1 page. The topic of the essay should be: How does the training program you wish to pursue relate to your background and career? What new changes and contributions do you hto intope roduce in your field upon completion of the program? How will the program contribute to the position you will assume upon your return home?
- Three recommendation forms. Each to be completed by the candidate’s present employer, or community service organization if currently not working (e.g. if you have performed voluntary work/service at an NGO, youth club, municipal project, etc.), and university instructors. Recommendations are to be submitted in sealed, and signed envelopes.
- Curriculum Vitae: Candidates are required to submit their CV, which may be in a format of their choice.
- Nomination letter: Candidates are required to submit a nomination letter signed and stamped by their current employer (or by a community service organization if currently not working) in a sealed envelope.
- Complete/Fill in the Application Forms and submit it to AED together with the documents no. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 above.
Futher Scholarship Information and Application