I tried to follow the group above but I couldn't match the music with my movements. It's very confusing me, so I stopped following them.
Around 8 am I went to Mbak Mar, our hair dresser. My wife had already been there, I went there with my doughter. During the way to Mbak Mar's house, I saw many flags. It's understandable that many flags there because our indepence day almost comes. It's on August 17th. The following are the pictures :
Mbak Mar is cutting my doughter's hair.
So many flags along the road.
In the afternoon, I went to Arion, accompanying my wife to have an informal meeting for Klub Epsi, there were about 6 people came there : Dr Ira, Dr Hadi, Aska, Mrs Febri, my wife and I.
Informal meeting
The mushalla in Arion Mal
At 6.45 pm the informal meeting was over.