DGp8us635PkDgBjtWYFyqgXW69I Jayakarta Street

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jayakarta Street

Yesterday, August 9, 2010 I went to Daihatsu repair service to repair my bampers who were hit by motor cycle few days ago. Luckily that my Insurance is still active so I just reported this case to the Insurance company and they they sent my car to body repair service in Daihatsu on Jakarta Street.

When I passed through Jakarta street, I wondered with the flood along the road. Frankly speaking, around 2000, I used to passed through that road and at that time the flood was not that long, may be only around 10 meters, but after that the road was dry. Right now? Wow, when I passed through that road, it was very bad.

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