(English version is provided below Indonesian text)
Hari ini begitu saya melihat blog saya www.latihan-english.com saya cukup terkejut melihat statistik angka yang sudah mencapai lebih dari seratus ribu klik tiba-tiba berubah menjadi puluhan kembali.
Hari ini begitu saya melihat blog saya www.latihan-english.com saya cukup terkejut melihat statistik angka yang sudah mencapai lebih dari seratus ribu klik tiba-tiba berubah menjadi puluhan kembali.
Saya berusaha menelusur kebijakan apa yang dikeluarkan google sehingga statistik yang biasa dibuat oleh google saat ini ada perubahan. Saya mencari terus tapi belum menemukan jawabannya.
Saya hanya menganalisis dan meraba-raba apa alasannya. Saya mengambil kesimpulan kemungkinan google ingin membuat statistik berdasarkan harian saja, buka sepanjang masa, karena dengan statistik harian bukan sepanjang masa maka akan menunjukkan statistik yang sesungguhnya atas kinerja suatu blog. Baik pengunjung atau pemiliki blog bisa dengan cepat memantau kinerjanya tersebut.
Memang angka statistik bila tidak menggunakan metode yang tepat bisa menimbulkan kesalahan dalam membaca hasil suatu statistik. Nampaknya google tidak mau menampilkan penerjemahan yang bermakna ganda dan tidak mencerminkan kondisi yang sesungguhnya.
Kesimpulan kedua yang bisa saya ambil ialah, google selalu melakukan perubahan-perubahan dan perubahan agar memberikan hasil yang terbaik. Ini juga salah satu contoh bagi kita bahwa di dunia ini kita harus selalu berubah. Bila kita tidak berubah maka dunia di sekeliling kitalah yang akan berubah dan kita akan tersingkir dari peredaran.
Apapun alasannya google melakukan perubahan, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada google atas dua aktifitas terbaru tersebut. Berubah dan berubah!
English Version.
Today as I looked at my blog www.latihan-english.com I was quite surprised to see the statistics, the statistic that I have reached more than one hundred thousand clicks suddenly turned into tens only.
I tried searching google what policies are issued so that the statistics which are created by Google is changed. I kept looking but have I did not find the answer.
I was just analyzing and groped why. I just guesses that Google changed the statistics display in my blog into daily basis only, maybe because of the daily statistics is a real time statistics and it shows the actual statistics performance of a blog. Both visitor or blog owners can quickly monitor the performance.
Indeed, statistics when it does not use right methods can lead into miss lead in reading the results of a statistic. It seems that google does not want to display ambiguous data which does not reflect actual conditions.
The second conclusion of mine is that I can take a lesson that google always make changes and changes in order to provide the best results. It is also an example to us that in this world we must always change. If we do not change then the world around us will change us and we will be eliminated from the circulation.
Whatever the reason google made in the changes, I say thank you to google. We need to change and change!
English Version.
Today as I looked at my blog www.latihan-english.com I was quite surprised to see the statistics, the statistic that I have reached more than one hundred thousand clicks suddenly turned into tens only.
I tried searching google what policies are issued so that the statistics which are created by Google is changed. I kept looking but have I did not find the answer.
I was just analyzing and groped why. I just guesses that Google changed the statistics display in my blog into daily basis only, maybe because of the daily statistics is a real time statistics and it shows the actual statistics performance of a blog. Both visitor or blog owners can quickly monitor the performance.
Indeed, statistics when it does not use right methods can lead into miss lead in reading the results of a statistic. It seems that google does not want to display ambiguous data which does not reflect actual conditions.
The second conclusion of mine is that I can take a lesson that google always make changes and changes in order to provide the best results. It is also an example to us that in this world we must always change. If we do not change then the world around us will change us and we will be eliminated from the circulation.
Whatever the reason google made in the changes, I say thank you to google. We need to change and change!
Fadjar Setyanto