DGp8us635PkDgBjtWYFyqgXW69I Mass Holiday......... is it kidding?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mass Holiday......... is it kidding?

Last May 16, 2011, the government announced a mass holiday in Indonesia. However, many Indonesians didn't know or it was because of the announcement was so unplanned. The government only announced the announcement on May 13, Friday afternoon.

What happened then? Yes, off course many Indonesian people didn't know about it or maybe they didn't care and didn't want to know due to they had planned their activities far before than the government's announcement. I am myself think that what the government did on mass holiday was nothing. You can see the following picture :

A bank runs its office as usual.
Going to school

Flag Ceremony

Going to school

Going to school

Going to school

going to school

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