June 24th, 2010
To day in the morning at 10 I took my wife to her school. She had to bring some things for her trips to London. Before we arrived to her office, we went to ACE HARDWARE to find something. My wife bought a bottle and box for food. In London the price of a plastic bottle for water is very expensive compared to Indonesian currency. Therefor whatever she needs for her trips as long as can be fullfil from Jakarta, it;s better to fulfill it now.
From ACE HARDWARE we went to Matahari Dept Store and finally I dropped her to her school.
Around 12.30 pm, when I was eating noodles in Taman Solo, suddenly there was a call from Tetra. Wow it's surprising.We talked for a more than 20 minutes. She told me that her children are better than few days ago when Jacinta was hospitalized and JD is much better, too. Good. If I remembered JD, I wanted to laugh especially if I remebered his words ''school bus'', counting ''one, two, three, for ...... until twelve'', ''dirty'', my hand is dirty'', ''water''. he he he's funny boy.
After calling for about 15 to 20 minutes we stopped the conversation. Thanks God that they are getting better.
I continued my activities. Right now my father is being hospitalized at Husada Hospital due to hearth dessease. Hopefully that he'll get better soon.
At 2 pm I got a call from my wife that she left the passports of her groups in the car, she needed me to deliver them to her at her office cause someone would handle them. So at 2.30 I went to her office again.
From 5 pm to 8.30 pm I was with my wife completing what she's going to bring to London for 10 days to come.
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