DGp8us635PkDgBjtWYFyqgXW69I June 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30th, 2010

Tuesday, June 29 2010

My father could go home and later must check with the doctor Harapan Kita Hospital Again. I took my father home to Cengkareng and I reached home in Cempaka Baru at 10.16 pm. At the same time while I was passing my the road near my home I saw some of my neighbors were watching World Cup soccer competition. After I parked my car at home,  I went out to join ny neighbors watching it. It was Japan VS Paraguay, the final result they had to finish by penalty. Finally Paraguay won over Japan 5-4. Disappointed, but it was the first time I watched soccer game during World Cup.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This morning I just updated my blogs, they were http://here-is-indonesia.blogspot.com/, http://kursus-inggris01.blogspot.com/, and http://membuatkalimat.wordpress.com/ and offcourse the blog http://fs-writing.blogspot.com/.

I really want to be a good blogger. Blogging and microblogging are very important tools to get us socialized with our friends and colleagues.

At 12.30 pm I went to Puskesmas Cempaka Baru, I had a class there. I was there until 14.00. I was in a hurry, but sometimes in Cempaka Baru VII there are some cars parked on the side of the road and it makes congestion some times.

@ if the situation like above, no choice those from the other side must stop for a while.

After finishing the class in Cempaka Baru, I went to Kebun Nanas, to attend class with Namira and Gibran.

7 pm
I was very upset with IM3, my cellular provider. I contacted number "100" the customer service of IM3. This service cost Rp. 400/call. Logically a paid service must settle the customer's problem. However, what happened with this 100? I dialed this number, I agreed to pay Rp. 400/call, but what IM3 gave me? It just gave me "Sorry our officer are busy, please call again later". What's this? A joke? They knew 100 was a paid service, not free, but why they disconnect without giving a chance for the customer to talk with the officer. I will minimize the use of my IM3, there're some provider which give better service than this. Why should I stick only to on "robber": operator.

Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
private and groups
telp. / 0818.077.32527

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28th, 2010

Today is Monday, it's been three days I did write. When my wife was preparing herself to go UK I was so busy to change the money, to buy some thing which might be needed. Because the price in UK is much more expensive than in Jakarta, for example for a sport shoes, in Jakarta 300.000 - 400.000 is relatively good shoes, but in UK the price could be 50 puonds the cheapest well if it is in Rupiah in coulde around 600.000 rupiah.

On Friday, at 2 pm I took my wife and her friends to Sukarno airport, the traffic at that time was relatively good. I said "good" because it is usually in heavy traffic jam. I just dropped her in Sukarta Hatta, after that I went to my home right away because the class were waiting for me. I had to teach at 4.30 pm. I rushed my car, thanks God that the traffic to go home was also good. I reached home at 4.30 pm. I taught the student right away.

After maghrib, at 6pm I went to Husada Hospital where my father is being hospitalized. I went home at 10 pm.

On Saturday-Monday, nothing special. I went to Hospital to visit my father and met the doctors.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hidup Bertetangga

Hidup bertetangga ialah kehidupan kehidupan yang mau tidak mau kita harus lalui sebagai makhluk sosial. Sekaya apapun atau semiskin apapun seseorang, sebagai makhluk sosial, maka dia akan terus berusaha untuk bergaul dengan orang-orang yang ada di sekitarnya.

Kehidupan bertetangga adalah kehidupan yang "unik", karena berbagai tipe manusia, berbagai kepentingan, dan berbagai kondisi bergabung menjadi satu untuk jangka waktu yang relatif lama. Kondisi yang berbagai macam tersebut memiliki potensi untuk saling bersinggungan satu sama lain. Hal ini adalah wajar, mengapa? Setiap manusia pasti memiliki kepentingan pribadi. Kepentingan pribadi ini merupakan wilayah privat yang tidak bisa diganggu gugat oleh pihak lain. Mau coba ganggu wilayah privat ini? Pasti dijamin akan timbul keributan.

Beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya oersinggungan antara wilaya pribadi ialah antara lain :
1. Saling menghormati.
2. Meningkatkan empati.

1. Saling menghormati.
Sudah sewajarnya dalam kehidupan bertetangga kita saling menghormati. Hormati tetangga kita, maka percaya atau tidak tetangga kita tersebut akan menghormati kita kembali. Hal yang paling mudah kita lakukan untuk menghormati tetangga kita ialah dengan tersenyum saat bertemu. Rasulullah SAW ialah pemimnpin yang senyumnya sungguh luar biasa, yang selalu tersenyum bila bertemu orang lain.

2. Meningkatkan empati.
Empati berasal dari bahasa Yunani εμπάθεια yang berarti “ketertarikan fisik”. Sehingga dapat didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan seseorang untuk mengenali, mempersepsi, dan merasakan perasaan orang lain. 

Menurut KBBI, empati adalah keadaan mental yang membuat seseorang mengidentifikasi atau merasa dirinya dalam keadaan perasaan atau pikiran yang sama dengan orang atau kelompok lain.

Sebagaimana sering dikumandangkan oleh guru-guru atau orang-orang yang bijak :"Jangan mencubit orang lain, kalau tidak mau dicubit." "Tekanlah tembok di depan anda sekeras-kerasnya, maka tembok itu akan memberikan perlawanan yang lebih keras dari tenaga anda." "Pembalasan biasanya lebih kejam."

Begitulah kira-kira yang sering diajarkan guru-guru kita. Dengan mengasah empati kita lebih dalam, dan peka maka Insya Allah kita akan melakukan hal-hal yang tidak membuat orang lain sakit hati.
Bagaimana bila ternyata apa yang dilakukan tetangga kita merugikan kita. Hal ini bisa jadi disengaja ataupun tidak disengaja. Mungkin saja tetangga kita tersebut tidak mengetahui bahwa apa yang dikerjakannya merugikan kita ataupun sebaliknya apa yang kita kerjakan merugikan tetangga kita. Saran penulis disini ialah sebaiknya bicarakan permasalahan yang ada langsung dengan yang bersangkutan dengan kepala dingin. Ungkapkan hal-hal apa yang mengganggu kita dengan tetangga kita. Mudah-mudahan dengan pengungkapan tentang hal-hal yang mengganggu kita dan meminta pengertian dari tetangga tersebut akan tercipta kehidupan bertetangga yang lebih harmonis.

Satu kata terakhir dari penulis :"Tetangga kita adalah saudara kita yang sebenarnya." 

>>>> http://www.kursus-inggris.com/ , private and groups,
telp. 021.4036.8181 / / 0811.968.0678

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 24th, 2010

June 24th, 2010
To day in the morning at 10 I took my wife to her school. She had to bring some things for her trips to London. Before we arrived to her office, we went to ACE HARDWARE to find something. My wife bought a bottle and box for food. In London the price of a plastic bottle for water is very expensive compared to Indonesian currency. Therefor whatever she needs for her trips as long as can be fullfil from Jakarta, it;s better to fulfill it now.
From ACE HARDWARE we went to Matahari Dept Store and finally I dropped her to her school.
Around 12.30 pm, when I was eating noodles in Taman Solo, suddenly there was a call from Tetra. Wow it's surprising.We talked for a more than 20 minutes. She told me that her children are better than few days ago when Jacinta was hospitalized and JD is much better, too. Good. If I remembered JD, I wanted to laugh especially if I remebered his words ''school bus'', counting ''one, two, three, for ...... until twelve'', ''dirty'', my hand is dirty'', ''water''. he he he's funny boy.
After calling for about 15 to 20 minutes we stopped the conversation. Thanks God that they are getting better.
I continued my activities. Right now my father is being hospitalized at Husada Hospital due to hearth dessease. Hopefully that he'll get better soon.
At 2 pm I got a call from my wife that she left the passports of her groups in the car, she needed me to deliver them to her at her office cause someone would handle them. So at 2.30 I went to her office again.
From 5 pm to 8.30 pm I was with my wife completing what she's going to bring to London for 10 days to come.
private and groups
telp. 021.420.5185 / / 0811.968.0678

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 22nd, 2010

June 22nd. 2010

I had some important points to day.

In the morning I heard that my friend, Christie had delivered the baby and another friend Tetra, was having her children ill. Tetra's children Jacinta and JD were ill. Jacinta was being hospitalized and JD was having high temperature.

Through text message I informed my ex-smp 119 batch 87, about these two occasions. Many responds from my friends and this is great. We still care each other.

Talking about ill, my father myself right now is being hospitalized. He will have a surgery. Hopefully that he can pass through everything well.

At 10 am this morning I took my daughter Afi to Husada Hospital. She was accompanied by Laila. Afi is having school holiday now.

@ Afi and Laila
@ Afi and Bapak

@ Afi dan Bapak

Today, my sister couldn't come due, my mother who usually takes care Esta's son was in Husada Hospital. So, there was nobody took care of her son. So, I handled the course by myself and was helped by some teachers.

In the evening I help my wife to set up a blog namely http://labslondon.blogspot.com/ it is a blog to record her trip to London on 25/6 until 5/7, I also update my http://membuatkalimat.wordpress.com/

private and groups
telp. 021.420.5185 / / 0811.968.0678

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

june 21st, 2010

June 21st, 2010
When I got up I didn't feeling well this morning. I didn't know what's a matter with this body, maybe because of I was late to go to bed last night.
After I prayed for God then I turned on my computer, to check my emails and finishing one of my pending job. One of my client is still waiting for my email, so I rushed to finish my pending job.
I created one new blog the title was MEMBUAT KALIMAT IN ENGLISH with the web adress http://membuatkalimat.wordpress.com/ it's my newest blog Here I set up a learning on how to make sentences in English.
This morning I also activated and made good use of my Twitter account and Facebook integrated or connected one and each other. More over with wordpress, I am still new to Wordpress. Usually I use blogspot for blogging.
I did all things with blogging until 11.30 am. Around 1 pm I had to teach at Puskesmas Cempaka Baru with the doctors and nurses there.
Finishing the class in the Puskesmas, I rushed to Pondok Gede, where Budiman and his friends were waiting for me. I was there until 4 pm. In Budiman's house I taught my lesson with the helping of audio system. I saw there was a PC set with the sound system, and I also brought some CDs, so I turned the music on. Study were fun with music and sound.
At 5 pm I picked up my wife because she would go to money changer again. Traffic jam in Jakarta was so bad so I couldn't reach home fast. I just reached home at 6.40 pm.
At 7 pm I must attend class again for Pak Indra. I finish at 8.30 pm.
My father right now is being hospitalized. He will have a surgery.Hope that my father will get well soon. Ummm.... it's time to go to bed, I just laughed and smile when I got an fb update from Rita my friend in smp and she just visited my http://membuatkalimat.wordpress.com/ and she said ,''Fajar still remember Tetra''.
private and groups
telp. 021.420.5185 / / 0811.968.0678

Sunday, June 20, 2010

june 20th, 2010

This morning 6 am I dropped my wife to Club Kelapa Gading. She would attended her school graduation day.

After dropping her, I looked around Kelapa Gading. I just wanted to see Mal Kelapa Gading in the morning on a beautiful Sunday. I opened my car's window and I turned off the AC. It was really fresh and nice!

 @ the road was so empty and nice

@ Boulevard

@ Kelapa Gading Mall

@ Kelapa Gading Mal

@ Kelapa Gading Boulevard

The luxurious location often creating problems. Flood, in sorrounding Kelapa Gading is quiet often happen, sometime worse. 
@ Left and right of this are is good, but few meters before you will see .......

@ Across the Mal Of Indonesia the road is very bad condition.

After enjoying the beautiful wheather I went home. On the way home I passed through Cempaka Putih. Near Cempaka Putih, I saw a crowd, and I also saw ondel-ondel. Well, it was a good story. I stopped and parked my car. I got off. I captured some view. I did it for my story in my blog 

 @ Ondel-ondel

When I reached home, I turned on the computer and I started to write and posted some articles.

3 pm, my wife told me to pick her up at Labschool. However when I reached there at 3.30 pm She was still at Hanamasa Kelapa Gading. Oh my God, I had to wait. Waiting something uncertain was a boring job. Lucky me I brought a book so I could kill my boredom by reading.

Around 4 pm my wife arrived, and the we went home.

 >>>>> private / groups, www.kursus-inggris.com, tlp 0811.968.0678 /

June 19th, 2010

Today I taught two classes in myenglish, Farid and Alif's class at 8-10 am and to be continued by Samuel's class at 10-11. Actually I would like to teach at Namira's house but due to no confirmation yet, so I went out to make some lessons copies.
Gogo 2 students got a written test. This class is very extra ordinary. The students like to play hide and seek a lot. Almost all the time of this class' schedule the situation before their coming to class are very noisy. He he yea, that is the children. Their nature are play, play and play, so the lesson can't be too serious like adults. Their lesson must contain play, play and play.
4 pm after all classes were ready to study, all the teachers were present.
I went out with my wife to meet her Professor in Acacia Hotel, Mr. Joko Nur. Actually Mr. Joko Nur was my wife's consellor whe she was in bachelor program. Right now although my wife is not his student again he is willing to help my wife in making her dissertation for doctorate program.

6 pm we finished from the meeting and the we went to Gramedia Matraman to see some and buy some books. At 9pm we finished and we bought some books.

 @ dinner at Gramedia. noodles and noodles, not healthy food but enough to cover our hunger...

10.30 pm we arrived home.
private and groups
telp. / 0811.968.0678

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 18th, 2010

Friday 18/06/2010
I woke up at 4.30am and after I finished doing things I dropped my wife to her office.
After that I returned home to drop my daughter to her school.
While waiting for my daughter at school I went some where in Waru street to find some books, in klasika book store. After that I picked her up home.
After praying for Jumat I taught English in myenglish at 1.30 pm until 6 pm. The teachers didn't come so I taught English until 6 pm
At 7pm - 10pm I taught another class.
Private and Groups
Telp. 021.420.5185 / 0811.968.0678 /

Thursday, June 17, 2010

june 16th, 2010

3 am
I woke up and not later I got up. I felt very fresh this morning. I read a book and turned on the computer and I updated my links. There were so many links were available and were asking for linking. That's what I like to be a blogger.
My wife requested me to wake her up at 4.30 am caused she would like to finish her article for final examination in her campus.

6,45 am
I took my wife to her office and after that I went home. At home I read books again.
I read many books today. It was nice day today, cause it was cloudy and sometimes rain. The wheather was not hot even tend to be cold.

I didn't go anywhere until 10.30 am, because I would like to return the poundsterling which was in tear condition. I called the money changer first then when I arrived there, I just shown the money. They accepted the money without any questions just gave me what I asked.

These pounds are for the preparation of my wife's trips to London on 25th June. She will be there for 10 days. I'm myself in Jakarta with Afi. I can't go cause I must handle my bussiness (my english).

After I finished from the money changer I went to another money changer (Ayu Mas), I exchange USD, cause the price of USD in Ayu Mas was better than the previous.

If go to book store, I never miss to buy a book. It's a must for me. Therefore, in Ayu Mas, I also saw the books on the display. And I bought one.

 @ Never miss to buy a book at book store

2 pm I reached home, and I got set to go to Jatiwaringin, to have a class. I had a class there at 3pm. Alhamdulillah, there was no traffic jam.
I taught English until 5 pm

At 5.30 pm I dropped to Carefour Cempaka Putih to pray for God. Ashar.

6.30 pm
I was home. I had dinner together with my wife.

There were two guests. It's so funy that I forgot with Menik, my cousin. When I was in Solo, When I was studying at UNS, Menik was only 5. I remembered when I was taking her for a ride in one afternoon, suddenly I lost of stability, and finally we fell down to the paddy field, in the mud.
After taking little longer time to gain my memory on her, finally I remembered that this was Menik, who was a little child at that time.
after talking for about forty five minutes, she went to Budhe's house.

8.30 pm
I went to Pak Nyoman home for private. When I reached there, Pak Nyoman said that he would have an assignment from his office to have a presentation in front of the big boss in Thailand.
We discussed about his assignment, It's full of technical because it was about production matter in a famous Japanesse Car Company. At about 11.58 pm we finished.
I went home at 00.

When I was on the way back home, I remembered that I must buy Esther C, finally I hang around around Kodam, but couldn't find, and I also passed through Tetra's house, caused I thought that express which was near to her house opened, in fact it didn't. I decided to go to Bendungan Jago, so no choice I must past through Tetra's house.
When I passed through her house, I always remember her.
Finally, the esther c that I looked for could be found in Bendungan Jago. I bought some stripes.

00.30 I reached home. Thanks God.
Telp. 0811.968.0678 / 0888.999.8789 /

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

june 15th, 2010

I got up because I had high temperature this morning. I didn't know why this situation could happen. May be because of my condition was very weak. I kept on getting up and then I took some waters and I continued updating my blogs.
I was expanding my blogs and I made some new blogs. I must settle my limbo problem with Tetra. If I am not that super busy, may be it's difficult to forget it. It's too strong for me.

My temperature was not reducing, so I decided to visit dr Kingma.

I visited dr Kingma and he gave me some medicines.

7 am
I must deliver my wife and Afi to hospital, because Afi's condition must be checked by doctor Edwin, her regular doctor.

8.30 am
We arrived in Husada, but dr Edwin didn't come yet. We wait for while.While waiting for the doctor I felt so sleepy and tired. May be I was so tired within last few days. I bought a can of cold coffee cream from the vending machine in Husada, it help me woke up a little bit.
Finally after waiting for thirty minutes, dr Edwin came and after checking Afi for a while he sent Afi to dr Christ.

@ Husada Hospital

At 9.30 am we finished and we we went home.

At 10am
No choice,I must sleep. Actually I wanted to take a nap, but I just got up at 1 pm. He he he I slept for 3 hours! But after sleeping for 3 hours, my body got fit again.
May be I was so tired cause since Saturday I couldn't slept well. The shadow of JD's mom often appeared in my sleeping.

I accompanied my wife to money changer to change some Poundsterling. Finally we got one in Kwitang near Gunung Agung. Because the amount was big so we had to wait for more than one hours to let them collect the money from other branch.

 @ Money changer

After finishing the money changing, we prayed for Ashar in Wali Songo mosque. It's a good mosque and nice, too.

 @ Walisongo

 @ Above are the interior designs in Wali Songo book store's mosque.

@ Finish praying, and taking a rest for moment.

At 5.45 pm we saw the traffic jam was so heavy, but still there was one more place we had to visit to buy some thing. We dropped to Atrium Senen, We also had dinner there.
7 pm - 10 pm.

 @ Atrium Mal

 @ My wife is buying something in Atrium Mal

 @ Dinner with my wife at Atrium Mall

After finishing my dinner, I had to rush home because I had class at home. I taught English in myenglish, my home.

@ Adults class

'my english'
private and groups
Telp. 0811.968.0678 / 0888.999.8789 /

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

june 14th, 2010

4 am
My wife and I had 'sahur' for our Monday fasting. Right now, I have a commitment to myself that I will do Monday and Thursday fasting. I don't want to loose such a good thing.
Alhamdulillah that Alloh still gives me a chance to live in the world, so I must make myself to be a good creature in front of HIM.
I contacted indonet my isp provider to help me settle about email setting in my Nokia 9300. After pushing the person to help me settle this matter finally I could send email thru this device.
I had a note from the way the indonet officer did. Frankly If I didn't pushed him may be the problem wouldn't be settled. I pushed him politely by giving him some clues, and finally he could give information to set the email setting in my Nokia 9300.
5.40 am
I took my wife to her school, and at 6.30 I had already reached home again.

@ Morning time before 6 o'clock
A few minutes after I reached home, I took Afi, my daughter, to her school. Today is the first time She comes to school at 7am. Usually her school is at 9.30 am.

 @ Afi in the car

While waiting for her at school I didn't go home or back to my office, but I stayed there. I wrote and typed some works.
At 9.30 am
Afi went out of the school and we went home.
Generally today the weather was cloudy especially in the morning time. I loved this weather cause it was not that hot.
I saw the Jakarta Post today, and I saw my comments on the artists video case was published. I like to write comments on The Jakarta Post, because this is the way I train myself to write. Frankly I have a dream that I will publish my books, cause by publishing book we can share our idea to other people.
2.30 pm
I finished the class in Puskesmas Cempaka Baru. This afternoon Bu Arti's class couldn't run because the children were so tired after going to Bandung yesterday. I confirmed to change the class on Wednesday. Few minutes after Bu Arti's calling, my sister on which she is my staff here sent text that she could come due she helped my mother to settle my father's hospital administration procedure.
This afternoon I fully in charge with teaching. For me it was no problem,because from this situation I could monitor my students. I learned from one of my student, he's Tetra's son, because I didn't handle by myself or maybe I lost control, so the teacher's way of teaching didn't meet the high quality standard of kindergarten teaching. Finally his mother whithdrew him from myenglish.
I didn't want it happen again. I must carefully keep the standard of teaching here. So I regularly check my students or observe them by my own sight.
If I do not teach I quite often to come to the classes to what how the teacher manage the class. It's also my obligation to transfer what I have to the teachers.
I taught the class until 5.45 pm.

7 pm
I accompanied my wife to go to money changer. She wanted to exchange some money to Poundsterling cause she will go to London end of this month.
it's difficuly to exchange pounds here cause it's very rare.
After checking some like Ayu Mas, we went to Sarinah. However still it's difficult there. ,We decided to continue tomorrow.
Finaly in Sarinah we didn't only buy batik, but also bag and ended at coffee shop.


Private and Groups
0811.968.0678 /

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 13th, 2010

All day today I didn't specially go anywhere. I spent the day with my family.
I spent my time by making many links of my blogs. I prepared a new account namely ''Interview from a to z''. In this blog I will write many things about interview. I want to share my experiences in preparing some of English learner who learn English at ''my english''. Off course my experiences are still nothing, but hopefully it can be useful for the beginners.
Around 11 I got a call from the person who deliver E71 Nokia to my home. I ordered Nokia E71 for my wife. I preferred Nokia E71 because the price was not that expensive, my wife doesn't like BB because it will make her to busy to replay sms and emails. She preferred to use PC and laptop to reply email.
I finished synchronizing all of her old data in her old hand phone and then the new one had already completed all data she has.
I use her old hand phone Nokia 9300, because if it is not used, as usually happens to the goods which are not used, will be broken. That's why I use it instead of my regular hand phone. My regular hand phone is N70. I love this N70, because this device has already helped a lot in doing my jobs and my activities, besides I also can learn so many music from this device while I am working.
4pm - 5 pm
I updated my blogs again and made some new links. By making some new links, I can expect that many people will see my blogs.
Oh ya since today until the afternoon, I also uploaded many photos of the school reunion last April. I also had an idea to upload my photo with JD's mom, JD, and I. I had already created the location, but I hadn't exposed to the public.I will ask her first to publish this.
7-8.30 pm
I taught adult student, Hartawan, he was my junior in SMP.
8.45 pm
I went to Trijaya Apothec to buy some medicine. I also bought reload voucher fpr my im3. When I was on the way home, I saw Tetra's mother was sitting on the back side of ojek at almost 10pm, may be she was just from Tetra's house.

 @ Fajar, in Trijaya

10.30 pm
My wife and I made Afi accustom to sleep before eleven, cause on July Afi must attend the school at 7. She can't get up at 7 now.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

june 12th, 2010

mIn the morning after having coffee I checked my computer and I got some article that I looked for. I also did an internet marketing.

I taught Alif and Farid at 8-10 am. I taught them a reading from The Jakarta Post. Yesterday, I also gave my opinion on Readers Forum in the newspaper. It talked about Video who involved the people looked like three famous celebs.

I taught Samuel until 11am.

At 12.15pm, I went to Santi's house on which was used for a meeting of alumnus of smp 119 batch 87. I represented class 3e.When Iwas in the meeting, I remembered about that Tetra, that she will not be able to come.

1.30 pm.
I went to "my english". I had a class, but due to Esta was there so I let her handle it.

Thanks God that all teachers came so I could plan to go to hospital to visit my father.

At 5 pm, my wife and I went to hospital. We went to Harapan Kita Hospital. When we passed Harmoni I remembered that I need to buy shorts. Finally we dropped into a Factory Outlet.

 @ The weather at that was so cloudy. The difference between dark and blus sky could be seen clearly.

@ Some time if we shop in an FO, we can get a good quality product in a relatively cheap price.

In the FO, I saw so many branded shorts and shirts, such as Angelo Litrico, on which I knew well that it is for Europe market. They sold for about 70k rupiah. It quite cheap for a shirt with good handling and fabrics. I can differentiate good fabrics, cause I worked for a Japanesse textile company for 4 years. This Angelo Litrico was one of my best customer with big volume and high standart of making.

After we finished from the FO, we went to the hospital. However, due to we need to buy something, we dropped to Hero supermarket.

@ This supermarket is famous with their "think fresh".

At 7pm. We arrived at the hospital. We finish at 8pm.

On the way back home actually we wanted to go to movie, but due to we were hungry so we dropped to a Padang Restaurant. After we were full, We decided to go home cause the clock shown 9 o'clock and forgot watching movie idea.

@ It's already almost 9 pm, we were so tired, our face were not good at all.

On the way back home, the road was so empty, may be many people were watching soccer game in the mall, cafe, or in their home.

>>>> English Course for private and groups <<<<
Tlp. - 0811.968.0678

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11th, 2010

6 am
I watched 'you tube' together with my wife, watched some videos on 'brain gym', 'DR Maria Montessory". They were wonderful videos. We could learn on developing children. Frankly speaking I must learn on how to develop my students. I must learn something new all the time.

@ Dr. Maria Montessori

8 am
I invited Pak Herman to repair Afi's DVD players, because both of them were trouble last night.
Pak Herman didn't take long time to repair the DVD players. It took only 30 minutes for him to repair 2 DVD players. Great!

At 9 am I reached Afi's school. My wife and I met the school concellor, Bu Arti. We talked a lot about our daughter.

We finished at 10.15am, I took my wife to her campus. Her campus is always in traffic jam, big possibility it was because of the traffic in front of Labschool.

@ Bajaj, driver parked his "vehicle" whenever they wanted to do. Never think of others.

After that I went back to Afi's school to picked her up. As usual Afi asks for a dvd after school so we dropped to Carefour at cempaka putih. Afi bought Dora The Explorer. Then we went home.

@ Afi and Laila, her nanny.
2 pm - 6 pm
I taught English at 'my english'. I taught for three classes. I enjoyed teaching.
When I was teaching I watched the students conducts. The characteristics of the students are very unique.

@ Teaching in children's class

7 pm - 10 pm
I taught 2 classes, 7-8.30 and 8.30-10 pm.

What a nice Friday.