DGp8us635PkDgBjtWYFyqgXW69I December 2011

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Save Riding and Save Driving

Dalam suasana hujan seperti saat ini kita harus selalu siap-siap dengan hujan yang turun setiap saat.

Salah satu hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan ialah saat kita harus berkendara baik itu sepeda motor ataupun mengemudi mobil kita harus tetap berkendara dengan aman.

Selain memperhatikan kelengkapan kendaraan ada satu sikap penting dalam berkendara. Saat kita mengendarai motor jangan lupa nyalakan lampu karena membuat anda akan terlihat dari jauh sedang bagi pengemudi mobil tidak perlu anda menyalakan lampu hazard karena hanya akan membingungkan orang-orang di belakang anda.

Itulah salah satu kunci berkendara dengan aman. Selamat berkendara dengan aman.


In rainy season like current situation it will force us to be ready to face rain any time.

One thing that we have to remember is when we are riding motor cycle or driving car we must do save riding or save driving.

When we ride motor cycle please do not forget to turn on the light, and for car it is not necessary to turn on the hazard lamp, you just need to turn on city lamp. Why? Because if you turn on hazard lamp people behind you will not know whether you will turn right or left.

That is one thing important in doing save riding or save driving. Have a save riding or driving.

Fadjar/my english

Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
telp, 021.4036.8181 / 0811.968.0678

Toko Gunung Agung

This store is one of old modern store in Jakarta. Since I was in Elementary school it had been set up, but off course the building was not this one. This building is one of the branch of the main store.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Asti is telling her story with the class.
Fadjar S
Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
Telp. 021.4036.8181 / 0811 968 0678
web www.latihan-english.com


Geisa is answering some questions from the teacher before she goes home.
She's ready to go home.
Fadjar S
Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
Telp. 021.4036.8181 / 0811 968 0678
web www.latihan-english.com


Nona is speaking in front the class. She is introducing herself.
Fadjar S
Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
Telp. 021.4036.8181 / 0811 968 0678
web www.latihan-english.com


Naura is in front of her friends telling about her daily habits.

Fadjar S
Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
Telp. 021.4036.8181 / 0811 968 0678
web www.latihan-english.com


Carla is in front of the class telling about her daily habits.
Fadjar S
Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
Telp. 021.4036.8181 / 0811 968 0678
web www.latihan-english.com

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Vio is performing speaking session. She is introducing herself in front of her friends.

Fadjar S
Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english"
Telp. 021.4036.8181/0811.968.0678

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kompasiana Blogshop

Kompasiana Blogshop

The participants

The participants

Asking the signature of the writer of the book - A Fuadi

with A Fuadi the writer of the book

Last October 2010, I joined kompasiana Blogshop in Jakarta. It was great program to learn about writing and blogging. Blogging is really great thing for me. By blogging I can explore anything without anybody limiting my ideas (possitive ones offcourse).

Fadjar - my english