DGp8us635PkDgBjtWYFyqgXW69I April 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

PKS Gathering

PKS gathering this morning in Senayan created bad traffic jam.

This morning I wanted to go to Sungai Sambas street, but due to heavy load in Sudirman street I couldn't entered that road, I must go forward to the next street, but the situation was not different. Finally I passed through Pasar Slipi. It's a farer way than my routine road.

I just could reach Sungai Sambas street after 90 minutes after from Polda tol road exit. The gathering really created problem for other road users.

Lucky you guys, unlucky for others.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

traffict jam in wiyoto wiyono tol road

I am on the way to Blok M. I am passing tol road from Cempaka Putih to Gatot Subroto street. When I am im the tol road, oh my god, the traffic is so bad. I can only run 30 kms per hour.

At the same time the weather is also cloudy, may be in some area are raining now.

Friday, April 1, 2011

kayu putih street

This is a photo of kayu putih street on april 1, 2011.

kelapa gading intersection

This a photo record of Kelapa Gading intersection on April 1, 2011.